Thursday, January 14, 2010

To A New Year

Wow, that is about all I can say so far about my New Year. The New Year started off with great, spending time with friends I haven't hung out with in a while and I met someone too then. Now two weeks later, I am still hanging out with my child hood friends, moved back to Skipperville and now dating the special someone that I met two weeks ago. It truly is a small world, we just have no idea how small it is. We have spent a few nights together so far of course and went out several times, everything is just going great and falling in place finally, just when I thought there was no hope they came and found me.
Luckily now I have no heart ache in my life now, I am happy so now its just time to concentrate on what I have going and help my friends out of course and make sure that they have their happiness. One of my best guy friends is dealing with a lot of crap though and I am about to jump right into the damn middle of it. Jake is happier than ever dating Kevin now, they are great for one another and seem so happy with one another, but there is always someone that wants to sabotage great things that you have going in life. Megan wants to break them up just to where she can have her "friend" back. Ok bitch, first off if you didn't act like this you would perhaps have more friends than you do, am I not correct? It is just really stupid and immature that someone wants to do something like this just because they're not happy with their life, in my opinion at least, so they're going to ruin their friend's happiness. But oh well, when all is settled and done perhaps she will realize where the problem is, it is HERSELF. Well I have got to run, but I will be back on more regularly now that I have slowed down a little bit.

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